Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Wave

The wave I am on is getting bigger and bigger each day. Gaining power and speed. I am being taken for a ride like no other. Projects are coming in each week. Each project bigger and better than the one before.

Now, I have in the Pipeline a 51 hectare Planned Residential Unit Development Tibungco, Davao City. Another project is a 2 hectare housing project in Maragusan and another 6 hectare project in Digos.

I will be writing my column at Mindanao Times for Thursday. So many things to do. So exciting.

I know that this wave I am on will be my key to setting up my nest egg for the future..... I just have to surf the wave right.


freerider said...

Hi, we have couple of things in common. I have bipolar and I am a town planner. How do you manage your bipolar at work? I have great difficulties in being productive (and therefore profitible for my company) as I start so many projects at once, get interupted by small things and can never get on a "role" to complete projects in a timely manner.

Patrick Jerome S. Guasa said...

I see to it I take my medications everyday and see my doctor regularly.

I am also open about my bipolar condition. I tell my clients about it. Since I live alone, I see to it that my work team is aware of my condition. I also bring along with me a minder who is well aware about my condition.

My minder is instructed on what to do in case I start to behave "out of line".